
Aids in India on and Feature Shoot

Both Feature Shoot and Hunger.TV recently featured a profile of some work I did about AIDs in India.  Done for my Master's Project and supported by a Fulbright Grant, I lived in India for six months, documenting their epidemic and drinking heavily.  It was a topic I feel fortunate to have brought to life, in however small a way, but it was often hard to sleep at night.  And that's probably enough about that, read the interview for more. If you don't know, Feature Shoot is a great place to see new and fresh work and if you ask, they will deliver it all quite tidily to your inbox everyday. HungerTV is this edgy British web site and magazine that had the brillant idea of combining Art & Culture, Fashion, Music, Film and most importantly, photography....but not just celeb or fashion photography. They have a whole section devoted to documentary work, which features not only upstarts like myself, but also Martin Parr, and Magnum photographer Rene Burri. Not a bad crowd to run with.

