Olympic Provisions | A well-lit haven of meat.

Recently photographed Olympic Provisions in the SE industrial area of Portland for the Finder section of Willamette Week.  They have bequeathed themselves with the title "American Charcuterie."  Oh, I love the hipsters of Portland, never taking themselves too seriously.  I will say that it is a beautiful space, the food is quite fancy and tasty and owner/Salumist Elias Cairo is a doll.  He let me into the super secret and protected back area to check out the shiny and pungent meat.  The only requirement was that I had to wear a white jacket and a rakish sailor style white paper cap (that I got to keep for my very own).  Who knew sausage could look so fabulous, plus OP is Oregon’s first USDA certified meat-curing facility, so that's pretty cool too.