Willamette Weekly

Cheap Eats, Not Cheap People

I love shooting for the Willamette Week Cheap Eats Guide every year.  Perhaps because it is so in line with my sensibilities.  Those who know me, know I have a reputation for being a bit....thrifty (I find that word has a bit more dignity than cheap).  And here I have a whole guide that says, "Hey Leah, it's ok you drink pabst. We get you."  Some of the tasty highlights include Boke Bowl, Baowry, Helser's, the mini-food world that is Ocean and the new, but very popular kid on the block, Bar Dobre.  Plus, I got to shoot the cover, which I always love.  Can't beat that poppy yellow background (also known as poster board).  Thanks to Lela's Bistro for providing the local and the slurpable noodles.       cover.indd 20130215_Ocean_009 20130215_SlowBurger_007 20130215_Ocean_012 20130215_Helser's_001 20130215_Helser's_007 20120330_BokeBowl_031 20130216_BarDobre_001 20130216_BarDobre_009

Miracle on 135th Avenue

I come from a family of educators and so I know, yeah, those summers off look like a pretty sweet deal, but teaching is hard.  So it was a real treat to photograph a positive story about education for Willamette Week.  Visit the cafeteria of David Douglas High School and you feel like you are at the United Nations, 55 plus languages bounce around amidst chocolate milk and tater tots.  But it seems like they make it work. WW-SCHOOL79 WW-SCHOOL80 WW-SCHOOL81 WW-SCHOOL82 WW-SCHOOL83 WW-SCHOOL84 WW-SCHOOL85 WW-SCHOOL86 WW-SCHOOL87