
On Assignment with Portland Monthly: The Synagogue Sampler

So in love with the layout that Portland Monthly did for my March story on synagogues, The New Shul.  One thing I was really intrigued by was the different ways the religion is interpreted.  On one end of the spectrum you have a female Rabbi, Ariel Stone, leading the congregation at Shir Tikvah (they even share a space with a Gay-friendly church).  On the other end is Congregation Bais Menachem, an ultra-Orthodox Chabad Shul where men and woman are not allowed to touch.  And in the middle was Shaarie Torah and Rabbi Zucky, a former Israeli soldier who owns not one, but two purple suits and a pink felt pool table that holds a place of honor in his office.  One thing all these places did have in common was how welcoming everyone was.  The assignment was a swirl of bagels, sacred scrolls, elaborate stories and open arms.  A fabulous blend of down-to-earth-sensibilities mixed with mysticism.  Perfect for a girl born to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. PM-JEW-1 PM-JEW-4 PM-JEW-2 PM-JEW-3