
Discover Portland

Me and Ava Gene's restaurant have found ourselves on the cover of the DiscoverPORTLAND Guide.  Doesn't everyone look so dang happy in this picture? My images from Lardo SandwichesOX Restaurant, and The Nines also made the cut of Portland fabulousness. Leading the world to realize we are just a town of non stop eating and drinking.

Whenever friends visit the first question is, "Where for brunch?" and the second is, "Where for Happy Hour?"

At least we all have our priorities straight.

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1859 Magazine - Mark Scott - Shredding Design

Mark Scott, professional skateboarder and owner of Dreamland Skateparks, stood still long enough (1/250th of a second) for me to take his picture. 1859 Magazine's Into the Soul profile.  Mark was a good sport, performing tricks for me over and over again, while still managing to keep a pencil tucked behind his ear.  He also managed not to laugh outright as I slide up and down the sides of the skate park, trying not to kill myself with my lights.  Was feeling rather proud of myself until I realized when I got home that I had sacrificed a sandbag to the skatepark gods of Lincoln City. D'oh. _NST40331859-SKATE_004 1859-SKATE_003 1859-SKATE_002 1859-SKATE_001